Next up, some opportunities... for a FREE eBook!

It's simple, click on the link closest to the image... and you'll be emailed an eBook on that topic. You will be able to open it on your computer, tablet, or phone... and read at your convenience.  Having worked around the 'publishing' industry for nearly three dacades, and prototyping one of the very first 'eBooks' back in the late 80's with Ken Clever... I was positive the world was going digital, just not sure how long it would take. Most of the eBooks linked below were written in 2016 or 2017, and can be quite helpful to you, your own marketing/branding/and money making goals.  The information is being supplied FREE TO YOU - THE INDIVIDUAL PERSON... not to be 're-distributed' or shared, or sold, outside of this page, or other such pages/emails we've set up. We are willing to share some things, and want to help you learn... but generosity still has limits.

If you are a 9 to 5'er, happy punching a clock, these aren't for you.

 The information is for people ALREADY IN business, or WANTING TO START a business.  The information in the FREE eBook should help you develop a more solid foundation, and spark a few useful ideas. These tools helped us, so we licensed these packages to make available to our family, friends, customers, and those that came across our website.  

They cost you nothing but a valid email address. Pick one of the topics, and check it out!

Maybe you're more of a creator - video or book?
Working out doesn't require a gym membership